Sole Insights (2024)

Part of the “Hic Sunt Dracones: Decentering and Reclaiming the Map” themed portfolio exchange organized by Fleming Jeffries and Adi Segal

Laser-engraving and mokuhanga on gampi paper

10.875 x 10.875 inches (folded) // 10.875 x 21.75 inches (expanded, single sheet) // 21.75 x 21.75 inches (expanded, two sheets)

What can our feet tell us about ourselves? I explore this question through 1) Traditional Chinese medicine, where parts of the body hold maps of the whole, and 2) dermatoglyphics, the study of ridge patterns of the skin. 

My edition consists of 10 double-sided diptychs on translucent gampi paper. On one side is a mokuhanga print of a diagram of internal organs mapped onto feet. On the other side is a laser-engraving of my footprints. Mimicking a codex, the prints are scored and folded. The translucent substrate, double-sided printing, and folding connect the interior and exterior and allow various readings. 

Right Foot:

Left Foot:

Both Feet: